Saturday, November 19, 2016


A couple of days ago, I put 40 behind me and thanked God for a year full of extreme highs and extreme lows – all of which led me closer to Him.

I’m not going to lie … forty was a lot worse than I thought it would be! But for me, life really did begin at forty.  With forty came a new life; one where I see God’s work more vividly, I find His hidden treasures in times of sadness or struggle, I make time to listen for God to speak to me and I speak to Him from my heart - openly and without hesitation.

Actually, I also speak more openly and with less hesitation to EVERYONE. I’m certain that my filter was attached to the brain tumor. When the tumor was removed… so was my filter.  But I don’t think that was a bad thing. 

I met some wonderful new people through my experiences this year. I connected to friends and co-workers on a whole new level.  I reconnected with childhood friends and have been able to spend time with and get to know extended family that I barely knew a year ago. 

Forty wasn’t terrible by any means.  

I learned to keep Proverbs 3: 5-6 front and center in my life.  That alone makes for a more beautiful life.

Proverbs 3:5-6

“ Trust in the Lord with all your heart

And do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He will make your paths straight.”

I learned God’s timing and my timing are nowhere near the same.

I learned work CAN wait.

I learned it’s important for God to be in the center of not just my personal life, but also my work life. 

I learned to laugh at myself and it’s ok for my friends to laugh at me too.

I learned the best way to take a vacation is to put away technology and enjoy people.

I learned each day is a blessing and not to take that for granted.

I learned everyone has their own story.  Ask others to share their stories with you. We can learn a lot from others.

I learned to encourage others and share scripture more often. You never know whom God is using you to touch. Be willing to allow God to work through you and in you.

I learned God puts the right people in your life at the right time. Thank them for being willing to be God's light in your life. 

I learned the most important thing I can teach my daughter is to know God and pray.

My Year in Pictures.

Bethany and I at muffins with mom sporting my fancy headband.  It was all hats and headbands for 6 months after surgery on January 12, 2016.

Having hat day. Me, Bethany and Bill taking selfies
just because we can!

Saying goodbye to fabulous work group and learning to embrace change in the work place in April.  Jana Whitaker, April Leman, Erin Rogers and I joined different work groups. I'm happy to say we are all still working in the same area.... but things are certainly different.

We are clearly handling it well! :)

Getting to know Jonathan and Deborah better during an amazing pilgrimage to France where we followed in the footsteps of our founding Saints, St. Louise De Marillac and St. Vincent DePaul. 
 Making wonderful new friends on our journey in France. DebBrown (all one word) :), Elizabeth Steger, me and Jame Petrich sharing some quality time in France. Amazing individuals!!

Family photo at Disneyland! (minus a few).
Aviva, Drew, Cole, Paige, Bethany, PawPaw Sharp, Matt & Bill.

Sharing fun in the sun and surf at Huntington Beach. 

Bill and I enjoyed our 11th anniversary at Disneyland with a large group of family, but we did find time to spend alone celebrating our marriage.  I'm so blessed to have this handsome guy!

This fall our parish celebrated the Sisters who serve in Waco. Just days before this photo we learned our beloved Daughters of Charity (front row) will be departing Waco in the Spring of 2017. They will be greatly missed.  

What I learned at 40 will carry me through the rest of my life knowing God is with me always. 

I’m looking forward to starting fresh at 41 with more joy in my heart, more passion for God’s word, and more love to share.