Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Creating a chatbot: my new work bestie!

 Creating a chatbot: my new work bestie!

There have been a lot of changes at work recently. I've lost so many amazing coworkers, and frankly I'm feeling very alone in my journey forward. So when given the opportunity to create my own chatbot on Day 4 of  #100DaysOfAI, it only made sense that I would create a new work bestie. 

Houdini the Healthcare CopyBot

I'm still stuck on naming AI. It just feels more comfortable, less cold and robotic. So, meet my new healthcare copywriting assistant, Houdini. He pulls copy out of thin air. Get it, he's magic! (Copy and paste in your browser if the link above doesn't work -

Houdini only has a lifespan of 7 days. When my free trial at Zapier is over, so is Houdini. Just like my other coworkers, he's leaving me to create magic elsewhere. Cue the sad trombone and get out the tissues. 

If you're reading this more than 7 days after this posted, he's a bot that bit the dust. The link likely isn't going to work once my free trial ends. (Zapier is the app that allowed me to create the chatbot.)

Creating a chatbot

It wasn't difficult to create my own chatbot. I'm not sure how reliable he truly is because I've obviously just created him; and I didn't have a ton of time for QA. But when I created Houdini the Healthcare CopyBot, I did have the opportunity to make him very creative yet unreliable, or not so creative yet predictable. Since I was just testing him out, I went middle of the road. 

The complexity of the steps necessary to create the chatbot ranged from extremely simple to -- huh? Some of the steps, such as writing the directive, slowed me down. Today's exercise took me well over an hour. Most of that time was spent watching the YouTube video on how to use Zapier, but still I took a good 10-15 minutes to write the directive. In simplest form the directive tells your bot who they are, what they do, and how to do it. My directive for my healthcare copywriting chatbot consisted of: 

"You are a healthcare copywriting assistant chatbot. You help marketing teams create content for healthcare websites, social media, blogs, print ads and billboards. When users give you a topic to write about, you suggest three selling points that can be included in the promotional copy that would be helpful for consumers to know about the topic. Your suggestions are concise and creative and presented in a friendly tone. When you are asked to expand on a suggestion, you provide additional detail."

Next, I added a button so people can copy the text and paste it in their document. Super easy!

I changed the greeting, just to say I did. And I named my new bestie, which took a total of two minutes. I had to get the creative juices flowing a bit. I think they are still frozen from this cold snap! Once that was done, it was time for my chatbot to come alive. 

Abracadabra! A bot is born. 

The test

I tested Houdini. Let's just say that I'm not replacing any staff just yet, but Houdini would be a good addition to the team. 

I asked him to write about knee surgery. He provided three selling points for knee surgery. Then I asked him to expand on one of the three points. 

He's not winning any copywriting awards, but he would be a great bot to have around to get things started when kicking off a new promotion. 

The app behind the bot

My greatest challenge with this activity was using Zapier. The screenshots in the video I watched didn't align exactly with the current version. Obviously some improvements have already been made to this app since the video was created. They did seems like good improvements. Way to go guys! Due to the discrepancies between the current app and what was shown in the video, I ended up viewing the video on how to create my chatbot several times. This caused the furrowed brow and verbal "huh?" I spoke of earlier.  

Bots can be coworkers, but they can't be friends

It was a good experience and I'm thrilled to know the tools are out there if I ever need to create another coworker. Still, no chatbot will ever replace the best of the best marketing minds. Coworkers like them, that became amazing thought partners and lifelong friends, will always be better to have than even the smartest bot. What a blessing these and many other individuals made in my career and in my life over the last several years. I've learned much and laughed often because of these coworkers. Friends, no matter where life takes each of us, know that I will never replace you with a bot. Warm hugs. More sad trombone. And bust out another box of tissues. 

As I pull myself together and get back to learning about how I can use AI to change the way I work, I can't help but think how each of us can create a chatbot that fits our needs and personalities. Though they could never replace our true coworkers, it would be fun to create the ideal coworker. If you created your own chatbot, who would it be and what would it do to improve your time at work?  

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Introducing my AI friend: Amelia Bedelia?

Introducing my AI friend:
Amelia Bedelia? 

Image by <a href="">Freepik</a>

Learning AI

I'm taking a 100 days of AI challenge to learn more about what's likely going to take over my job some day. Know your enemy, right? Is it my enemy? That's still up in the air — a worry for another day. None the less I'm learning to use these new AI tools to my advantage. 

The test

First up, I decided to write a blog post using AI. I provided the prompts. And in seconds I had a blog post worthy of posting. I supplied the parameters, and directions and AI did exactly as I asked — just like Amelia Bedelia. 

What was I trying to create (type of document)? A 1,500 word blog. 

Who was my AI pal (voice)? A middle-aged mom with one teenage daughter. Maybe next time I go with Gen X Mom with an iGen daughter. It may understand me better. 

What's the idea of the post (what's the main point, plot, etc.)? A blog about the pressure teenage girls face in playing volleyball. 

Specifics (basically the highlights of what to include)? The blog should include information like: difficulties changing teams each year, dedicating time to practice, being tired from too many activities, making friends and winning.  

Press Enter.  In seconds -- not minutes -- but in seconds, I had a blog post worthy of posting.


With just that bit of information, I had the following blog post. OH. MY. GOSH. This freakin' thing can read my mind! I took longer writing this intro than I did writing the prompt to get a 1,500 word blog! This is amazing and concerning all at once! So many emotions going on at this moment. 

Honestly, the blog is a bit dry. It really does say just about everything I would have said. I would have added a little more color to it with more side notes (because I'm a parenthesis kind of girl). 

Friend or foe?

So overall, AI and I are getting a long pretty well. I think I should name her though... I need someone to blame when I don't get my prompt just right. "PENELOPE! That is not the polite thing to say!" "WANDA! You're way out of line there." "Hold up SUZIE. That is just flat out silly." "AMELIA! I am amazed -- at how AWESOME you are!" 

I think I'll continue to work on her name. Or is it a him? If I'm going to yell at someone, maybe it should be named Bill. Just kidding... maybe. 

If you want to read about a mom's perspective on volleyball, have a read below and see what ROBO MANDY came up with. It's not a bad read. Let me know what you think. Maybe I'll start using AI for all my blogs (of course edited with my humor until I can train her right).


Navigating the Volleyball Journey: A Mother's Perspective on the Pressures Faced by Teenage Girls

As a middle-aged mom raising a spirited teenager, I've had the privilege of witnessing the incredible journey my daughter has embarked upon in the world of volleyball. While the sport has undoubtedly been a source of joy, growth, and valuable life lessons, it's crucial to shed light on the unique pressures that teenage girls often face in the realm of competitive volleyball.

The Annual Challenge: Changing Teams

One aspect that consistently adds pressure to my daughter's volleyball experience is the yearly ritual of changing teams. Each new season brings the anticipation of meeting new teammates, adjusting to different coaching styles, and adapting to varied team dynamics. It's not just about mastering the technical skills of the game; it's about navigating the intricate social fabric of the team.

Navigating these changes can be emotionally taxing for teenage girls who invest time and energy in building relationships with their teammates. The challenge lies in finding a balance between being a team player and forming genuine connections that extend beyond the court. As a mom, I've observed the resilience it takes for my daughter to open herself up to new experiences, both on and off the volleyball court.

Time Dedication and Fatigue

Another significant pressure teenage girls face in the world of competitive volleyball is the commitment of time. Balancing school, social activities, and family obligations becomes a juggling act, with volleyball often occupying a significant portion of their schedule. The dedication required to attend regular practices, travel for games, and participate in tournaments can be demanding.

Witnessing my daughter navigate this demanding schedule has made me appreciate the importance of time management and discipline. It's a delicate dance between pursuing a passion and ensuring a well-rounded life. As a mom, I've had to provide support in helping her strike this balance, emphasizing the value of rest and self-care amid the hustle.

The Multitude of Activities

Teenagers today are often engaged in a myriad of extracurricular activities, each competing for their time and attention. From academics to other sports, musical pursuits, and community service, the pressure to excel in every domain can be overwhelming.

For volleyball players like my daughter, the challenge is not just about mastering the game but also about maintaining a diverse set of interests. This struggle is compounded by societal expectations that teenagers should excel in every facet of their lives. It's a delicate balance between passion and practicality, with my daughter often feeling the weight of these expectations.

Building Bonds Beyond the Game

Despite the challenges, one of the most rewarding aspects of my daughter's volleyball journey has been witnessing the friendships she has forged on and off the court. The shared victories, defeats, and countless hours of practice create a unique bond among teammates.

As a mom, it warms my heart to see my daughter surrounded by a supportive community of friends who share her passion for volleyball. These connections go beyond the game itself, offering a network of emotional support and understanding. It's a testament to the power of sports in fostering camaraderie and teaching invaluable life skills.

Striving for Victory

Winning is the ultimate goal in any competitive sport, and volleyball is no exception. The desire to achieve success on the court is a driving force for teenage athletes, often pushing them to their limits. The pressure to perform well, meet expectations, and secure victories can be intense.

As a mom, I've learned to navigate the delicate balance between encouraging my daughter's competitive spirit and ensuring she values the lessons learned in both victory and defeat. The journey is just as important as the destination, and instilling this perspective has been a crucial aspect of supporting her through the highs and lows of competitive volleyball.


In conclusion, the pressures faced by teenage girls in playing volleyball are multifaceted, ranging from the annual challenge of changing teams to the dedication of time and managing fatigue. Balancing a multitude of activities and striving for victory add additional layers to their experience. Yet, amidst these challenges, the bonds formed and the personal growth achieved make the journey worthwhile.

As a mom, I stand by my daughter's side, offering support, encouragement, and a listening ear. The world of competitive volleyball may be intense, but it's also a platform for empowerment, resilience, and lasting friendships. Together, we navigate the pressures, celebrate the victories, and cherish the lessons learned on and off the court.


Work of art? 

So, what did you think? Or maybe the more important question to ponder on is this one. How will we know in the future what is actually the work of the author and what was generated by the author's amazing ability to provide perfect guidance to their own AI friends?  And if it is generated by their uncanny knack for being able to supply good directions, should we still consider it their work of art? I'm sure we will learn soon enough. We just have to ask AI.