Monday, April 18, 2016


Friday was a challenging day at work. I love what I do, but as with all jobs, there are days that you just feel defeated.  You feel that no one listens, that your efforts are pointless and that you are undervalued. It was one of those days. I hate to admit it, but I was depressed and just wanted to go home and shut out the rest of the world.

(L-R) Me, my nephew and my mom  April 15, 2016
But it was Friday night. It’s baseball season. And my nephew was playing his final home game of his high school baseball career.  We watched as the Seniors lined up and the announcer introduced our #3.  I am so proud of him for being such a good kid… not a kid, but a young man.  His parents did their job well and he is a great student athlete with a promising future. 

I turned my focus from me to him. It’s amazing how focusing on others can raise your spirits.

As the other Seniors were called and were accompanied to the first baseline with their parents, I felt the tension leave my body. I began to forget about the challenges of the day and started to concentrate on the challenges that would soon be happening on the field.

I watched my nephew hit two great RBIs and make some great plays.  Though the game ended in a loss, I felt a win over the enemy.  I was able to share this memorable experience with my family.  As I chatted with my sister and took several opportunities to let my seven year old sit on my lap, I couldn’t believe how blessed I felt.

Work to live, but don’t live to work.  I reminded myself that the challenges of the workday had to be left there in the office where they belong. My true job is to put my faith and family first and forever. God will guide me in my work if I trust in Him. 
The antidote to frustration is a calm faith, not in your own cleverness, or in hard toil, but in God's guidance.

                                                                   - Norman Vincent Peale

We ended the night by taking a few photos and planning a family dinner the following night.  It was a good day after all.  I just needed to find the blessing that could draw me away from frustrations that are beyond my control.  I had to give it to God and walk away from it.

I’m blessed to know that God is using me in my work everyday.  Though I may not see the beauty in the midst of chaos, I know He is guiding me to do exactly what he needs me to do.  He is preparing me to one day step up to the plate and hit a home run for Him. In the meantime, I need to focus on others instead of myself and have gratitude for all that He has blessed me with today.

Today, I am grateful to be blessed with a wonderful family that can gather at the ballpark to share laughter and love for God and each other.  I’m truly blessed.  

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