Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Over the last several weeks I have had the wonderful opportunity to travel to France on a pilgrimage to learn more about St. Vincent de Paul and the Daughters of Charity followed by a family vacation to Disneyland!  There is no doubt about it -- six months after having the worst month of the year due to brain surgery, I was blessed with the best month of the year in June.

I visited the Daughters of Charity Motherhouse, The St. Vincentian Motherhouse, he birthplace of St. Vincent, and Folleville where St. Vincent gave the first sermon of the mission which led to St. Vincent in Chatillon where Vincentian Health Care was born in 1617.  I climbed to the top of Notre Dame in Paris and walked down pebbled streets much like those St. Vincent traveled down.  I visited Mona Lisa and toured Napoleon's apartment.  I saw original paintings by Vincent van Gogh...my favorite artist.

Deb, Elizabeth, me and Jame enjoying friendship
on our last night in Paris.
Still, nothing is more amazing than the friendships that grew during our pilgrimage. The laughter, the meals, the miles and miles of walking will always be a very special time in my life.  The most emotionally fulfilling experience in France was not the French food... though it was amazing! I'm salivating just thinking about the chocolate croissants - a sweet reward for simply waking up each morning!  But I digress.  The most fulfilling experience was worshiping God in very special places, where thousands and thousands of people have knelt in prayer just as we did. What an amazing blessing! 

After we returned home, I missed being with my new friends. The strangers that boarded a plane to Paris came back with an incredible bond.  I was thrilled to see one of my sweet friends the week after we returned. When she hugged me, I felt like God was blessing me once more by giving me the opportunity to see her for just half an hour. When is the last time you hugged a friend in welcome and felt the blessing from God?  Each time we see each other we should thank God for his blessings upon us, that we may share in the lives of amazing friends. 

The family at Disney (minus a few).
I missed my pilgrimage friends terribly, but I didn't have much time to think about it.  Soon I ventured off to Disneyland with the family.  I knew I was sharing the next 7 days in a house with my in-laws and some others in my husband's extended family.  I admit that I was nervous about how much "fun" this was going to be. It turned out that we had a wonderful time. I had the opportunity to enjoy coffee every morning getting to know my husband's cousin and his precious family.  Who would have thought that having coffee with family would be such a special part of our trip.  The fun we had both at Disneyland and exploring other parts of California by far exceeded my expectations. It truly was a blessing to spend 7 days in the California sun building family relationships.

It may be years before we are able to have coffee again, but the special bond of Disneyland will keep us connected until then.


I've traveled many miles over the last month. I've seen amazing sights, been to legendary places and experienced "the happiest place on earth," but nothing compares to making new friends and sharing those experiences with them.

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship."   - Ralph Waldo Emerson

How blessed I was in my travels!  The best souvenirs I came home with are friendships. 

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