Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Today was one of the best days I've had at work in a long time. It wasn't the particular task I was working on, but it was the people I encountered. Those working along side me today, nursing directors, our COO and other amazing colleagues made the most hectic hours of the day highly enjoyable.

I loved seeing people I don't often have the opportunity to see. It was a blessing to meet new people and encounter so many friendly smiles. I shared our mission and told a quick story of the Daughters of Charity and St. Vincent DePaul to several visitors who stopped by to ask about the festivities.

But it wasn't until mid afternoon when I encountered a special ICU nurse that it hit me how grateful I am that I was able to spend my day handing out t-shirts. That brief few minutes when I was able to see Heather, the nurse who cared for me while I was in ICU, were the most special few moments of my day.

Immediately when I saw her my heart felt full. I remembered how wonderful and comforted she made me feel when I was in such a vulnerable state. I recalled how she made me feel like I was her only patient even though it was a full house and she was juggling several, I'm sure.

Today, I had to stop and take a moment to thank God for this amazing nurse and the impact she had on me. My eyes filled with tears at the sight of her. Joy overwhelmed me to have the opportunity to hug her and tell her how thankful I am that she was there for me.

I encountered many very special, talented people during my hospital stay and I am grateful for each and every person who cared for me in some capacity.

And that's why it means the world to me to hand out a t-shirt on a very special day when we celebrate Saint Vincent's Feast Day. It's not just about a goodie item or a free meal. It's about the people who carry the mission forward day in and day out. People like Heather. Amazingly awesome people.

Today I feel like I was the one who benefited the most. I was able to see and talk to the saints (both clinical and non-clinical) who walk among us everyday.

We must hope that God, in His goodness, will bless your efforts and bestow upon you all the graces you need to accomplish His most holy will because you were chosen for this work by the guidance of Divine Providence. - Louise de Marillac

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